
Die Hock-Methode ist ein manuelles Verfahren, bei dem mit einfachen Handgriffen Beckenschiefstände, Blockaden von Gelenken und fehl stehende Wirbel befundet und behandelt werden.

Entwickelt hat diese Methode der Heilpraktiker Burkhard Hock. Durch jahrelange Erfahrungen in seiner Wirbelsäulenpraxis und in Zusammenarbeit mit Physiotherapeuten, Radiologen und orthopädisch tätigen Chirurgen fand er heraus, welche zentrale Bedeutung das Kreuz-Darmbein-Gelenk, medizinisch Ilio-Sacral-Gelenk, für die Wirbelsäulen- und Schmerztherapie hat.Das Beseitigen eines Beckenschiefstandes ist Voraussetzung für eine erfolgsgekrönte Schmerztherapi

Causes of pain

The cause of spinal column problems and many pains can often be traced back to a pelvic obliquity, to misaligned leg or jaw joints and/or to anatomically different leg lengths. The aim of pelvic and spinal therapy is to detect and eliminate pelvic obliquity, dissolve sacroiliac joint blocks and bring malpositioned vertebrae into their physiologically correct position. 

Process of an assessment, diagnosis and treatment

The pelvis and leg joints are examined in detail by hand and a diagnosis is made.

In the second step, the pelvic correction exercise corresponding to the diagnosis is selected and performed with the patient. At home, the patient repeats the exercise himself for about 4 weeks and thus actively participates in his recovery process.


Finally, the spine is examined for spinal malpositions and displaced vertebrae are brought back into the correct position. Compared to chiropractic, the Hock method is much gentler, safer and more lasting. 

The Hock method helps you with

  • intervertebral disc prolapse
  • hex shot
  • radiating pain in the leg or groin (sciatica)
  • pain in the pelvic region
  • back pain
  • pain in the hip, knee, ankle or toe joint
  • headache, Migraine
  • neck pain
  • vertigo
  • double vision
  • heart pain
  • jaw joint pain
  • neck pain in the shoulder, elbow, hand or finger joint